After graduating from university, I found a job as a sales representative. Every day, I drove the company car, which was filled with the stale smell of cigarette smoke, and the ashtray was perpetually dirty. I had already visited all the potential clients in my area, and with no pressing tasks, I often aimlessly drove around. One afternoon, while cruising through the quiet high-end residential area, a familiar tune came on the radio—the song was “A Shadow of the Youth.”

It was a song I had listened to countless times during my university days. As the melody played, I navigated the narrow one-way streets, and suddenly, tears began streaming down my face. Overwhelmed by the music and my emotions, I lost track of where I was heading and eventually pulled the car over. Resting my forehead on the steering wheel, I stared blankly at the floor.

There, on my feet, were the leather shoes my father had bought me for my university entrance ceremony. They were now scuffed and battered.

